Saturday, August 2, 2008

Old habits die hard

Ok, I suck. I started this blog a YEAR ago and haven't posted. Actually, there's a reason for that. It was a much better year. Not so much darkness. My ADDr had a great school year, with no medication. His spelling and writing is still atrocious and I cringe and shudder when I think of him out in the workforce (but then remind myself the school system has another 9 years with him). I don't think he had a single tantrum all year (and by tantrum I mean the horrible occasion where I'm forced to hold him down for up to an hour for fear he'll hurt himself... the scariest thing I've ever gone through, and we've been through many. How's this kid going to cope as he gets old, I'd worry. I'm still worried but encouraged that we got through a year without.)

I still worry about him daily. I still worry about Middle Child, who had a fantastic year in Kindergarten and is much more studious than ADDr is but absolutely cannot control his body parts in so many situations. I don't know what we're going to do with Darling Daughter either. She is 3 and a half and writes her name (and Mommy and the beginnings of most of our family members), draws pictures that make sense, has a wonderful imagination. She's going to be SO BORED when she starts school

Last year, I was worried about being newly self employed. God has provided. I now have two employees and a personal coach. I'm scared because I'm responsible for so much of our necessary income. Things are going well, though.

I'm still hoping to do more blogging here. Somewhere I don't have my closest friends and family reading and judging. Please bear with me.