Monday, July 9, 2007


Well, this is the beginning. The beginning of a new blog. I have another one. That's the one with my real name, my kid's pictures, and all of the superficial crap I'm willing to let my family members read about my life.

This one's different. Yessirree Bob. This one's about life with two ADHD boys. And a daughter who blessedly doesn't display any symptoms (though the pessimist in me says 'yet'). And a growing inkling that they inherited ADD from.... ME. Who would've thought it? Certainly not me before a few months ago.

Anyway, this was just meant to be an introduction, not an opportunity to dwell in those recesses yet. So to continue, this is about LIFE as it is, as it was, and as it may be in the future. And I may share some of my stories (although they make little sense at this point). Maybe just the themes. Who knows.

1 comment:

Mary Alice said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do hope that you will share some of your stories in this new blog of yours....blogs withOUT your real name are probably tremendous fun...wish I had thought of it myself...truths flying all over the place...could be dangerous