Thursday, December 11, 2008

A new day!

Praise the Lord! Oldest was an entirely different kid today. He still had some moments of frustration (he wasn't happy to not get a book from the bookfair, and he was frustrated that I insisted he start his WA map project over), but he recovered quickly.

I'm so proud of him. While I ran to the office supply store for 11 x 17 paper, white-out, and crayons, he cut out the 31 landmarks he was supposed to place, figured out where they went on the map, and reviewed it with dh. When I got home, he re-traced our state, and got all of the landmarks glued in. What amazed me the most is that he insisted on coloring it in very carefully. He even made sure his hand-written legend was neat(-er than usual). He spent over 2 full hours at our coffee table working on this.

I don't know if it was solely active-parental involvement, but I don't think so. We've been very involved in his other homework before and encountered only resistence. I think he just really wanted to do this project well, and I'm SO grateful that he stuck with it, listened to parental advice, and finished it. He was really pleased with it and proud of himself too. I'm happy his teachers will finally see he's really capable of doing good work.

Our desperate prayers have been answered with at least a glimmer of hope that we'll get through all of this chaos.

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